In [33]:
# 0. Import all the libararies and packages we will need
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import rnn
% matplotlib inline
In [64]:
def generate_sin(batch_size=1000, T=50, t_offset = 0, y_offset=0, past_range=10, future_range=10):
For now: assume amplitude = 1
y = sin(wt+ t_offset) + y_offset
f = (2 * np.pi) / T
past = np.empty((batch_size, past_range))
future = np.empty((batch_size, future_range))
for t in range(batch_size):
past[t,:] = np.sin(t_offset + f*np.array(range(t-past_range, t))) + y_offset
future[t,:] = np.sin(t_offset + f*np.array(range(t,t+future_range))) + y_offset
return np.array(range(batch_size)), past.reshape((batch_size, past_range,1)), future
In [65]:
t, p, f = generate_sin(100)
plt.plot(t, f[:,0])
In [34]:
def my_rnn(x, W, b):
x = tf.transpose(x, [1, 0, 2])
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, n_input])
x = tf.split(x, n_step, axis=0)
lstm_cell = rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
outputs, states = rnn.static_rnn(lstm_cell, x, dtype=tf.float32)
return tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(outputs[-1], W), b)
In [51]:
learning_rate = 1e-3
n_hidden = 10
n_step = 10
n_input = 1
n_output = 10
n_epoch = 10
epoch_size = 100
n_iter = n_epoch * epoch_size
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_step, n_input])
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_output])
W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([n_hidden, n_output]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([n_output]))
h = my_rnn(x, W, b)
individual_losses = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(h,y), 1)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(individual_losses)
optimiser = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)
In [69]:
batch_size = 50
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
for iter in range(n_iter+1):
# No mini Batch yet
_, p, f = generate_sin(batch_size){x:p, y:f})
if iter% epoch_size ==0:
print('Epoch: {} Loss: {}' .format(int(iter/epoch_size), loss.eval(feed_dict={x:p, y:f})))
In [70]:
t, p, f = generate_sin(2000, T = 50, t_offset=10)
l = loss.eval(feed_dict={x:p, y:f})
fcast = h.eval(feed_dict={x:p})
plt.plot(t, f[:,0], label='Actual')
plt.plot(t, fcast[:,0], label='fcast')
In [ ]: